"Window" Menu

Window menu commands enable you to execute standard operations with document windows:

Window menu commands

Clone Editor     Clone Editor Window command icon

Opens a new Editor (copy of active Editor).

Split Editor

Editor can be spitted into two horizontal panes, allowing simultaneous editing of different parts of the same document, and this option toggles splitting of the active Editor. Initially, panes are displayed in equal size (50:50 proportion), but you can manually shrink or grow window panes by mouse dragging the pane splitter.

Docking View

Toggle docking view.

Close All

The Close All command closes Editor, Browser, Graph, Source Code Metrics Windows or Messages Tabs or all DA-C Windows/Tabs.

Window Menu - Close All

Back     Back command icon

Activates the previous document window on the displayed windows list. The command is active only if the active window has been changed, either as a result of new windows having been opened or of moving between active windows.

Forward     Forward command icon

Activates the next document window on the displayed windows list. The command is active only after one or more Back commands have been carried out, and if no windows have been opened in the meantime.

Cascade     Cascade command icon

The Cascade command reorders open DA-C document windows, so that the active window stays on top, and all other windows are positioned one behind the other.

Tile     Tile command icon

The Tile command reorders open DA-C document windows, so that all windows are displayed on the desktop, without intersections.

Arrange Icons

The Arrange icon command sorts icons in the lower left corner of the desktop. This command works on minimized windows only.

Minimize All

The Minimize All command minimizes all open DA-C document windows, that is, turns them into icons on the DA-C desktop.

List of opened windows

This list allows the possibility of activating one of the windows from the list. The window is activated by clicking the name of the window, or by entering the number attached to it. This command is not available unless two or more windows are open.